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Why Palpatine Was Glad Tarkin Died on the Death Star - Star Wars Explained
Why Palpatine Gloated Over Tarkin's Demise on The Death Star
How Palpatine Planned to Punish Tarkin for His Failure on Death Star I
Why Palpatine's Reaction to the Death Star’s Destruction SHOCKED Vader - Star Wars Explained
How Palpatine Reacted to the Death Star's Destruction
What Tarkin Wanted to Do Every Day on the Death Star [Canon] - Star Wars Explained
Why Palpatine Believed Destroying Alderaan Destroyed the EMPIRE - Star Wars Explained
7 Terrible Mistakes Made By Wilhulff Tarkin
How Palpatine Hid Death Star Construction From the Senate & Jedi - Star Wars Explained
Why Palpatine Killed ALL The Geonosians After Order 66 - Star Wars Explained
Did Palpatine Build the Death Star to Protect the Galaxy From the UNKNOWN REGIONS
Luke talks about Darth Sidious